Travel Blog Prosperity Review (All You Really Need to Know)

Committing to a travel blogging course can always feel a little daunting! This Travel Blog Prosperity review should release that apprehension, allowing you to move forward clearly on your travel blogging journey.
Aspiring travel bloggers can usually relate this scenario:
I understand this to my core, because I’ve stood right where you are now!
I wanted to ensure my investment was the right one, and I was desperately hoping that by enrolling in a travel blogging membership or course, that it was going to solve all my problems.
Hot tip: You’ll seriously need to set a clear intention and decision to move forward as a blogger. Get really clear on what it is you want, and why. If you don’t, you’ll stay stuck for years (speaking from experience).
Here’s a few hard truths my friend…
Programs and courses online aren’t designed to be a ‘fix all’ solution.
Programs like this exist to give you the tools, the confidence, the empowerment and the foundation and framework you’ll need to build something truly special for yourself – something you can be proud of. There’s still work involved on your end.

While a travel blogging course isn’t a magic pill to instant success, it can certainly be a way to fast track your education, success and to help set you on the right path forward at an affordable & accessible cost.
Today, we’re chatting about Travel Blog Prosperity – the most comprehensive, value packed travel blogging program, created by Jessie on a Journey.
It’s travel blogging done differently, and for good reason.
Travel Blog Prosperity Membership
Discover the most holistic, transformative & value packed travel blogging membership for aspiring bloggers of all kinds! This is where all travel bloggers should start to actually start making real money with their blogs! Use Code: SCOTTYPASS9 & get your first month for $9!
Let’s dive into this full, comprehensive Travel Blog Prosperity review for those of you ready to elevate your travel blogging game and finally start making some real money as a blogger.
As Jessie puts it: ‘This membership space & its courses don’t just focus on how to increase your blog’s following; it also shows you how to grow an engaged community that can help transform your blog into a profitable business’.
What is Travel Blog Prosperity?
Travel Blog Prosperity is one of the most holistic spaces for aspiring travel bloggers currently available on the market.

I don’t say that lightly.
If you’ve read any of my course reviews on other high ticket affiliate marketing programs, you’ll know I don’t muck around. I’m honest (a little too honest at times) and I only recommend programs I know, actually like and most importantly, trust – particularly ones that can provide insane value and transformation for my audience.
This Travel Blog Prosperity review is no different.
Travel Blog Prosperity is a membership space, crafted by Jessie herself. It’s absolutely overflowing with every resource you could possibly imagine to streamline your blogging journey. (I mean, just take a look at the TBP sales page here and you’ll understand the level of value on offer here 🙌🏼).
Doors are currently closed for enrolment, but I have a sneaky discount coupon for direct access if you’d like it – Use Code: SCOTTYPASS9 here & get your first month for $9!

Why Choose Travel Blog Prosperity
👉🏼 If you’re after support, nurturing and an actionable approach to move forward quickly as a travel blogger in 2024 and beyond, this is the perfect foundation you’ll need.
💸 The program focuses heavily on transforming your blog into a real career – one that’s able to support you and your travels, financially and for the long term.
✨ Helping you build something sustainable, with integrity and longevity.
Travel Blog Prosperity Membership
Discover the most holistic, transformative & value packed travel blogging membership for aspiring bloggers of all kinds! This is where all travel bloggers should begin to actually start making real money with their blogs! Use Code: SCOTTYPASS9 & get your first month for $9!
In the beginning, as someone who significantly struggled to understand how blogging worked, and then, how to actually monetize it, I wish I had access to something like this much sooner on my journey.
I would have quite happily paid for that level of support and guidance early on, instead of feeling stuck, moving at a snail’s pace and having no f*cking clue what I was doing. That’s why programs like this are so, so valuable.
You’re paying for someone else’s expertise, insight and knowledge. After all, we’re trying to achieve what they have, right!? No need to reinvent the wheel here – success always leaves clues!

Personally, I’m always happy to hand over my money for this type of value, receive everything on a silver platter and then be shown exactly how to move forward! (Shut up and take my money!)
That’s the power of online programs and travel courses like Travel Blog Prosperity.
Quick Pros:
Quick Cons:
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Who is Travel Blog Prosperity For?
This is 100% for you if:
- You’ve been trapped on the ‘never ending content hamster wheel’ and receiving little in return for your efforts. Whether you’re new to blogging or have been at it for a while, you feel exhausted from all the writing, Instagramming, photographing, and guest posting. When does *real* growth come? That’s the best part about running a blog. You can finally step off that vicious cycle, and start making real money.
- You’ve been feeling like you’re not cut out for this. You’re spending more than 8 hours each day on your blog, plus you’re working weekends, while your bank account sits stagnant. Every blogger has been here. TBP shows you how to move the needle forward, with actionable, real world steps. No fluff. No nonsense.
- Nearly crying (or maybe bursting into tears) because you just don’t understand the ‘robot-speak’ of blogging articles. You have the drive, but trying to comprehend terms like HTML and SEO, not to mention tools like Google Analytics and Google Search Console, leaves you completely overwhelmed (This program exists to eliminate the overwhelm and focus on the things that will actually make a difference).
- You’re losing patience trying to figure out what strategies are right for your brand (and, while you’re at it, how to properly brand yourself!). You’re not sure how to truly turn your interests into a profitable blogging business.
Travel Blog Prosperity Membership
Discover the most holistic, transformative & value packed travel blogging membership for aspiring bloggers of all kinds! This is where all travel bloggers should begin to actually start making real money with their blogs! Use Code: SCOTTYPASS9 & get your first month for $9!
This Space Is Not for You If…
- You think a membership, program or course is going to solve all your problems. A successful travel blog should be like operating any other normal business, and with that, comes ‘normal’ business challenges.
- You’re just after some ‘magic pill’ that instantly turns your blog into a profit machine. This takes work. You HAVE to be focused on implementing the things you learn along the way.
- You’re not interested in putting in the time and energy to create a digital asset (your blog) that can quite honestly, change your life.
Empowerment Note: There’s a reason why you see others building successful lives as a blogger – they’ve taken resources like this, implemented the training and what they’ve learnt, and applied it to their own businesses. They’ve got ‘skin in the game’ so to speak. They’ve actively taken small, baby steps to build success slowly, but surely. They wake up each morning, ready to do.the.damn.thing! 👏🏼
What’s Included Inside Travel Blog Prosperity
Let’s chat about what’s included inside this results-driven membership community.

As soon as you enroll, you’ll have immediate access to 66+ course collections (modules), with a new collection published every month.
Monthly Topics Include:

Each collection includes a step-by-step video masterclass as well as implementation tools like a text guide with visuals (for easy reference), a workbook (to help you map out your strategy), and a checklist (so you don’t miss a step).
Bonus: There is also a library of 24+ workshops, which are regularly taught live in the membership!
Did I mention that there’s 66+ COURSE COLLECTIONS!??
That’s A LOT of incredible content.

I’ve purchased quite a few travel blogging programs in my time, and nothing even comes close to this level of education & insight. This really is one of the best travel blogging courses in the world!
There’s actually EVEN more included in this program that wouldn’t be possible to list in this post. Check out the full list of inclusions here if you’d like.
So, Who the Heck is Jessie on a Journey?

Jessie is a six-figure blogger and entrepreneur behind the travel blog Jessie on a Journey.
Jessie empowers other solo travelers and budding entrepreneurs to build a life lived on their terms via blogging & developing your personal brand that’s dripping in integrity, personability and substance.
She’s been blogging & travelling since 2011 and knows the ropes when it comes to building a successful blog, business and personal brand that can actually help replace your income online.
If you want the real deal, Jessie is it!
What I Love Most About This Program
There’s a lot to love about this space!!

I’m really hoping this Travel Blog Prosperity review is doing it justice, because it can often be quite hard to articulate just how good something is, in a genuine way!
One of the major value-ads that Jessie has over other travel blogging programs is the ability to provide students with trusted blogging income & link building opportunities. Included within your membership is the ‘VIP Opportunities Newsletter’ and it’s sent out every Monday!

This gives new & existing bloggers opportunities to guest post and write for real travel brands and businesses to help bolster your presence online, all while adding some cash to your back pocket.
Link building and visibility in this space as a travel blogger is extremely crucial.

I absolutely love that Jessie includes this within the membership – it’s a HUGE value add!
Travel Blog Prosperity Membership
Discover the most holistic, transformative & value packed travel blogging membership for aspiring bloggers of all kinds! This is where all travel bloggers should begin to actually start making real money with their blogs! Use Code: SCOTTYPASS9 & get your first month for $9!
Travel Blog Prosperity Price
Ok, let’s chat about price!
Firstly…you won’t find anything even close to this type of travel blogging membership that is this affordable and provides this level of support.
Travel Blog Prosperity is the benchmark and gold standard when it comes to travel blogging for beginners or more experienced, established bloggers.
You can get started with Travel Blog Prosperity for only $9! (Enrolment is currently closed, but I have a sneaky discount coupon granting instant access! Use Code: SCOTTYPASS9 here).
From there, it’s an extremely affordable $49p/m for access to everything! Wild!
When Jessie first mentioned the price to me for TBP I was kinda shocked to be honest.
You can get started today with full access here. (Don’t forget to use the discount code above).
Monthly Price: $49 p/m USD
Annual Price: $388 USD
Travel Blog Prosperity Membership
Discover the most holistic, transformative & value packed travel blogging membership for aspiring bloggers of all kinds! This is where all travel bloggers should begin to actually start making real money with their blogs! Use Code: SCOTTYPASS9 & get your first month for $9!
Final Thoughts on the Travel Blog Prosperity Review
Overall, you won’t find another program and membership quite like this one on the market.
You certainly won’t find one at this price point either.
If you’ve been thinking to yourself…OK, I’m ready!
Well then, Travel Blog Prosperity by Jessie on a Journey should be a no brainer.
This is hands down, one of the best travel blogging courses for beginners and established bloggers currently available.
It’s for those that want that high-level support, nurturing and guidance that’s long been lacking in this space.
I hope you enjoyed this Travel Blog Prosperity review, and I can’t wait for you to experience the difference on the inside.
Free Webinar Masterclass 👇🏼

Disclaimer: These are my experiences, honest opinions and stories. We are proud to partner with many beautiful digital education & travel products and services as an affiliate. On some occasions, we may benefit from a commission when you make a purchase with these links. These commissions help to support the ongoing publication of free and readily available content designed for those who wish to get started in the online business and creator space. This is not financial advice.
Is Travel Blog Prosperity Worth It?
OMG, yes, yes, yes!
This Travel Blog Prosperity review probably already outlines where I stand on this particular space!
To get access to these resources, courses, support and development on your blogging journey is an absolute gift!
It’s a huge advantage as a new or existing blogger that I wish I had earlier on in my blogging career.
Technically, enrolments are closed, but I happen to have a sneaky discount code granting instant, full access for just $9 on your first month! Use Code: SCOTTYPASS9 here.
What is the Best Travel Blogging Course in 2024?
Look…personally, I only use and partner with programs I know, like and most importantly, TRUST!
The only worthwhile program & membership I’d bother recommending from REAL travel bloggers who consistently make six-figures and have mastered travel blogging are as follows:
Travel Blog Prosperity (Jessie on a Journey).
Jessie is an incredible blogger and a wonderful, down to earth person in her own right.
How Much Money Do Travel Bloggers Actually Make?
The answer to this question will vary considerably based on the blogger and their experience.
Travel Bloggers earn an income online via many different methods.
- Advertising income from ad partners such as Mediavine.
- Affiliate marketing income from affiliate partners & recommendations (it’s completely possible to monetize your blog without any audience at all via affiliate marketing. (Read my post here on how I do it).
- Selling their own digital products & monetizing their experience and expertise.
- Sponsored travel blog post opportunities.
- Sponsored social media content.
- Sponsored tourism & travel content for businesses.
- One on one coaching & mentorship services.
In a nutshell, to run a successful blog & monetize the traffic, you’ll need to get eyeballs on your content through organic traffic (Google rankings) + driving additional traffic via Pinterest for example.
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