How to Actually Make Money Online in 2025 (Authentically)

So, you want long term, sustainable wealth opportunities, right? You want to actually learn how to make money online in 2025 in a way that doesn’t feel gross. You want to learn how to leverage the online space to build an online income that can support you & your lifestyle right?
Welcome to a new year my friend!
Welcome to my zero-bullshit post on how you’ll actually make money online in 2024 in a way that feels good for you.
No ma’am! Not here for it.
If you want an online income that can quite literally free you, that feels effortless and can support you for the long haul, you’ve landed on the right post.
In case you haven’t yet noticed, I don’t do B.S around here.
The online income opportunities in this post have transformed my life, and of those around me.
If you’re after ‘cheap & nasty’, get rich quick nonsense ways to make money online…they don’t exist. There’s the door. This post is for those that are actually serious about earning online. These are legitimate ways to make it happen!
Let’s dive into my absolute favourite, authentic and real ways to make money online in 2024 and beyond!
Short on time? Here’s our top pick to earn online.
The Rewired Affiliate 💸
For affiliates who want a real brand with substance, staying power & true wealth potential! Get paid for being you!
For affiliates who don’t want to be a part of the ‘ick’. You don’t want to do it how it’s been done before. You’re here to build a sustainable brand that can realistically support you & your lifestyle! ✨
1. High Ticket Affiliate Marketing (How to Market Authentically & Effortlessly)
If you’ve read a few of my posts on this site, you’ll understand how much of an impact affiliate marketing has had on my life.
I’ve recently replaced my old, gross 9-5 retail job (it was friggin soul destroying) with an online income instead. Yay!
Was it easy? Nope!
Was it simple? In some ways, yes.
But it takes work – leveraged work. Leveraged meaning you only need to do the work once, to continue to earn off that once off time investment.
Affiliate marketing (when done correctly, and when it’s connected to your many passions & interests) can quite literally free you.
High ticket affiliate marketing is simply connecting people with products and services they’re needing help with. You earn a direct commission from that attributed sale.
It’s as simple as that.
Affiliate marketing is everywhere, however most people come into this space doing it incorrectly.
They get swept up in the lame-ass, copy cat style of content, left drowning in a sea of other creators. ‘Brands’ & people marketing like that lack depth & substance.
I don’t want that for you, though!
After learning some invaluable high income skills and digital marketing skills and implementing those into my blog, on YouTube and across socials, it’s given me more time freedom than I could have ever imagined.
I was just some boring, average dude working in an airport newsagent, who followed the right framework and decided it was time to change my life. After some time and continuous effort, affiliate marketing really changed my outlook on money, how I choose to earn and how I spend my time.
I want that for you too!
The Rewired Affiliate: The Gold Standard of Affiliate Marketing Training
The Rewired Affiliate 💸
For affiliates who want a real brand with substance, staying power & true wealth potential! Get paid for being you!
For affiliates who don’t want to be a part of the ‘ick’. You don’t want to do it how it’s been done before. You’re here to build a sustainable brand that can realistically support you & your lifestyle! ✨
That’s exactly what Jade from The Rewired Affiliate represents and she’s here to teach you exactly how to build your own online business that reflects those same values.
This is the exact same program I started with, and I will continue to talk about until the day I die!
The Rewired Affiliate is the absolute benchmark, gold standard for aspiring new affiliates who want to become successful in this space.
There is no other program in the world that even comes close to this level. Nothing compares.
The Rewired Affiliate 💸
For affiliates who want a real brand with substance, staying power & true wealth potential! Get paid for being you!
For affiliates who don’t want to be a part of the ‘ick’. You don’t want to do it how it’s been done before. You’re here to build a sustainable brand that can realistically support you & your lifestyle! ✨
Make no mistake, this is not your average, boring ass, outdated, lame affiliate marketing course.
It’s a ~luxe experience~, designed to forge real business owners who are serious about creating an online income. It’s designed to build resilient online business owners who are here to create income streams authentically, to a point where you’ll have more than you know what to do with.
The Rewired Affiliate is for:
⚡ Affiliates who are sick to death of seeing the same old, washed-up narrative & brands built on ‘how much money can I make, in the shortest amount of time, with the least amount of effort’. Yuck. We’re not here for it. Unoriginal. Step aside.
⚡ Affiliates who’ve been watching from the sidelines, weirded out by the whole ‘my affiliate marketing journey’ style of content. Affiliate marketing is a business model, not a shortcut or ‘get rich quick nonsense’. Urghhhhh 🤢
⚡ Affiliates who don’t want to be a part of the ‘ick’ ~ you don’t want to do it how it’s been done before. Lame! You’re ready for something FRESH!
You Want:
- To create a brand that means something to people, a brand that your audience will become deeply invested in (emotionally & financially).
- To create a brand connected to your many passions. You want the freedom to follow the ‘nudges’, to have fun & let your creativity flow.
- A brand that provides you with ever growing affiliate income streams, but that rarely ever mentions the words ‘affiliate marketing’.
- A social media presence that feels light, fun & creative.
- To be here for the long-haul. You’re ready to sign on to the school of ‘just how f*cking good can this life get’.
- To have your immediate needs met through affiliate income streams while simultaneously laying the foundation for more money than you know what to do with.
- TRUE wealth that’s built on something real, replicable & sustainable.
The Rewired Affiliate 💸
For affiliates who want a real brand with substance, staying power & true wealth potential! Get paid for being you!
For affiliates who don’t want to be a part of the ‘ick’. You don’t want to do it how it’s been done before. You’re here to build a sustainable brand that can realistically support you & your lifestyle! ✨
2. Learn How to Start a Blog (That Actually Makes Money)
Let’s address the elephant in the room…
Blogging is not dead.
Blogging is no joke.
In fact, those that think this way are missing out on the largest chunk of online income they could imagine 💸
A blog has the potential to be your largest income earner BY FAR.
Travel Blog Prosperity Membership
Discover the most holistic, transformative & value packed travel blogging membership for aspiring bloggers of all kinds! This is where all travel bloggers should start to actually start making real money with their blogs! Use Code: SCOTTYPASS9 & get your first month for $9!
So why don’t more people blog?
- They’re lazy.
- Because they don’t know how to blog like a business.
- Because they’d rather spend hours of their life on the ‘social media content hamster wheel’, than building something sustainable that actually generates a significant income.
- They think it’s a content marketing approach that’s better left back in 2001. lol
Haha, that means more money for you and me, while others waste their time creating pointless content on TikTok that doesn’t serve a purpose.
By creating a blog, you’re building a digital asset that has true influence online – the potential to influence a purchase decision online. That’s HUGE! And it will make you a shit tonne of money if you follow the right structure & framework.
The Most Important Thing to Consider When Starting a Blog
👉🏼 You must meet search intent.
People are searching Google all day long to have their problems addressed.
They’re looking for answers to a problem they’ve been dying to have resolved.
If your blog post can rank on Google and meets that intent & desire, you’re going to be rewarded for it.
A blog is the one true content piece that you control 100% of!
No one can take it away from you.
- You get to advertise how you want on it.
- You’ll get to write about whatever you want on it.
- You don’t even have to show your face on it.
You’re not stuck creating endless content like you would on socials either, meaning it’s a leveraged form of income (remember, we mentioned leveraged earlier with affiliate marketing – you do the work once, and continue to earn online from that once off time investment).
How to Start A Blog in 2025

I’d recommend taking a program such as Travel Blog Prosperity (use code: SCOTTYPASS9 to get access for just $9).
As a travel blogger myself, I’m personally part of this membership program, and it’s a very comprehensive, safe space for beginners to kick start their journey.
Jessie is a six-figure travel blogger, who knows the ropes when it comes to building a blog efficiently and successfully, helping you to start earning faster online.
Travel Blog Prosperity Membership
Discover the most holistic, transformative & value packed travel blogging membership for aspiring bloggers of all kinds! This is where all travel bloggers should start to actually start making real money with their blogs! Use Code: SCOTTYPASS9 & get your first month for $9!
How to Write Blog Posts Quickly & Effectively
One thing I adore as a blogger is that you don’t have to be a good writer. In fact, it’s better if you’re not much of a writer at all.
The f*ck Scotty?? Really? Why?
It’s not about the quality of writing (understandable confusion) and more about how to structure an article to rank on Google and in the SERP results (search engine results pages).
If you’re an aspiring blogger, or you don’t fancy yourself as much of a writer, invest in long-form blog content generators or ai content writers to assist your work.
These tools aren’t designed to replace the writer (you), but instead, are there to assist your workflow and speed up the process.
For the love of God, don’t use Chat GPT unless you know how to craft in-depth prompts.
Personally, I use the following tools to help write entire, full-length blog posts quickly & efficiently:
Content at Scale

Jasper Ai

Hypotenuse Ai

You can read a much more detailed post about the best ai blog writing tools here.
3. Become a UGC Creator in 2024
Ever heard of User Generated Content? No?
That’s ok. Not many people have.
Essentially, a UGC Creator creates short form content for brands and business to use on socials as organic content, or in their advertising online (Meta & TikTok).
UGC Mastery – Created By Scotty
A comprehensive step-by-step training to becoming a wildly successful & in demand UGC creator. Learn how to attract the right high paying, high-value clients who pay on time, every time. Work from home, or anywhere in the world with a reliable and fun opportunity to earn online in 2024.
Not to toot my own horn here dear reader, but I happen to be one of the most experienced UGC creators in the world.
I started a few years ago and it’s since taken off (particularly here in Australia & in the United States).
What I love most about being a UGC creator
The income potential!
The earning opportunity is insane and you get to do it all from the comfort of your couch haha
I’m not kidding you! It’s the best f*cking job on the planet.
You can run your entire business from anywhere in the world.

All I do is simply create short, engaging TikTok style videos that are designed to elicit conversions for that brand ie. sales!
If you can master that as a UGC creator, you’ll become so in demand, you won’t know what’s hit you.
Personally, I make thousands from UGC each month as an in demand content creator.
There’s definitely a fair bit to learn if you’d like to replace your old income with UGC, but it’s 100% possible.
I created my own course specifically for UGC – it’s called UGC Mastery.
UGC Mastery – Created By Scotty
A comprehensive step-by-step training to becoming a wildly successful & in demand UGC creator. Learn how to attract the right high paying, high-value clients who pay on time, every time. Work from home, or anywhere in the world with a reliable and fun opportunity to earn online in 2024.
4. Social Media Management & Creative Content Strategy
This is one of my fave high income skills you can learn and implement quickly to make money online in 2024.
I’ve been doing this on and off over the years, with clients of my own, friends and family members.
Personally, I’ve helped small businesses and clients of my own to develop content strategies with UGC, blogging and photography to help maintain & bolster their presence online.
If you’ve got a knack for logistics, content creation and community engagement, this might just be the gig for you.
You can charge upwards of $2000 per month for each client to assist with their social media needs & content strategy.
How to Make Money Online in 2024 Authentically (It Gets to Feel Good) ✨
This is the biggest struggle you (and many others) will face in your online journey.
The problem of aligning with products and services that feel good and learning how to market them effectively and authentically.
Just know, you don’t need to compromise your integrity to make money online in 2024.
You get to have it all. You get to be paid well and feel good doing it.
The Rewired Affiliate 💸
For affiliates who want a real brand with substance, staying power & true wealth potential! Get paid for being you!
For affiliates who don’t want to be a part of the ‘ick’. You don’t want to do it how it’s been done before. You’re here to build a sustainable brand that can realistically support you & your lifestyle! ✨
Building an online income largely comes down to being true to who you are, in an unwavering fashion.
That comes from building a solid foundation, showing up online as you (in the most authentic and natural way), and aligning with products and services that compliment you, your interests and what you stand for.
In this space, you get what you pay for.
You’ll come across shitty, low-value products and services that will prove to be a complete waste of time & energy.
I don’t want that for you.
It’s worth investing money in the right programs, resources & training the first time around, so you can hit the ground running quickly.
Learning How to Make Money Online in 2024 Doesn’t Need to be Difficult.
It all might sound like a lot, particularly if you’ve never done anything online like this before.
My biggest piece of advice to make money online in 2024 👇🏼
Taking the cheap and nasty, ‘fast cash’ & ‘get rich quick’ approach to trying to earn online will only leave you feeling exhausted and make you want to give up.
If you really want to learn how to make money online in 2024 and beyond, you absolutely MUST invest in the right training and be prepared to put in some work.
It won’t happen overnight, so just take actionable, baby steps.
What’s the point in wasting your time with half-assed attempts at trying to cheat your way through it?
Anything good, is worthwhile doing properly.
I’d implore you to use the resources mentioned in this article to do the same.
Do your research, get really honest with yourself and give yourself permission to fail & succeed.
Give yourself the permission to earn in a way that’s different – embrace different.
When it all starts to click, the level of freedom you’re able to achieve is astounding.
It’ll make you wonder why you ever settled for less.
You’ve got this! I wish you all the success in 2024 and beyond!

Disclaimer: These are my experiences, honest opinions and stories. We are proud to partner with many beautiful digital education & travel products and services as an affiliate. On some occasions, we may benefit from a commission when you make a purchase with these links. This commission helps to support the ongoing publication of free and readily available content designed for those who wish to get started in the online business and creator space. This is not financial advice.