How To Change Your Money Mindset And Earn More (2025)

Money plays a huge role in our lives and having the right money mindset is essential for achieving financial success. For many of us, developing a positive money mindset can be challenging, but it’s an important step in becoming financially secure. Whether you feel anxious at the thought of money, you’re hoping to become debt free or rid yourself from past experiences and negative self talk, this article will help you make actionable change for a better financial life.

We’ll discuss the importance of having the right money mindset, how to move into an abundance mindset and how to create a plan to earn more money. We’ll also chat about the importance of having the right attitude and mindset when it comes to your financial endeavours.

With the right money mindset, you can earn more money and reach your financial goals.

Rewired Sheinvention

What Is Money Mindset?

Your money mindset is your own individual set of beliefs about how you perceive money, your relationship with money and how money flows into your life. It drives the important financial decisions and efforts you make on a daily basis. 

People with a healthy mindset and balance usually practice the following money mantras:

  • Achieving financial growth is possible for me

  • Money allows me to design my own days

  • Healthy money habits allow me to help others in my life

  • Money grants me the gift of time freedom and choice

Our Pick
Rewired Sheinvention


Completely transform your experience with money!

Become magnetic, feel light and attract money in a world where abundance and overflow become your absolute minimum standard of living (because you deserve a remarkable life) 🌹 💸 Learn to feel supported by money & unlock the door to overflow!

The Importance Of A Positive Money Mindset 

It’s important to understand the role of money in our lives. Having a positive attitude towards money is an essential part of achieving financial success. Money doesn’t need to be viewed as evil or something to be feared, but rather something that can be used to improve our lives and support us on a journey to financial wellness. When we view money more positively and shift our beliefs about money, it becomes easier to make decisions that align with our best interests.

Understanding The Role Of Money In Our Lives

  • Respect money

  • Money is a valuable resource 

  • Positive attitude towards money

Rewired Sheinvention

How To Improve Your Money Mindset

Once you develop a positive attitude towards money, you can start to focus on creating a plan to earn more. This plan should include:

  • Setting realistic goals 

  • Tracking spending 

  • Increase earning potential

  • Be aware of your limiting beliefs and past financial mistakes

Money is a powerful force and learning how to manage it can be a daunting task. Changing your money mindset is an important step to take if you want to become financially successful.

Here are a few actionable steps that can help you do just that:

how to improve your money mindset

First Step.

Develop A Budget:

A budget is the cornerstone of any financial plan. Developing a budget can help you track your spending and make sure your money is propelling you forward. Keep it fun and entertaining. Limit where you’re spending money in unnecessary areas.

Second Step.

Automate Your Savings:

Automating your savings can help you set aside money for the future without having to think about it. You can set up automatic transfers from your checking account to your savings account to ensure you are consistently saving. 

Third Step.

Invest In Yourself:

Investing in yourself is one of the most sensible, financial life actions you can make. Investing in your education or skills can help you increase your income and set you up for long-term success.

Personally, I invested in the most incredible mindset & energetics course, along with multiple affiliate marketing courses that have transformed my life.

Our Pick
Rewired Sheinvention


Completely transform your experience with money!

Become magnetic, feel light and attract money in a world where abundance and overflow become your absolute minimum standard of living (because you deserve a remarkable life) 🌹 💸 Learn to feel supported by money & unlock the door to overflow!

Fourth Step:

Get A Financial Coach:

Working with a financial coach can be a great way to learn more about money and develop a plan for achieving your financial goals. It’s a great way to remain accountable and on track.

Fifth Step.

Read Personal Finance Books:

Books can be a great source of knowledge and inspiration. Personally, I enjoy listening rather than reading, so here are some of my favourite personal finance and money mindset audiobooks: 

  • Rich Dad Poor Dad by Robert Kiyosaki 

  • The Little Book of Common Sense Investing by John C. Bogle 

  • The Millionaire Next Door by Thomas J. Stanley 

  • You’re A Badass At Making Money by Jen Sincero
  • I Will Teach You To Be Rich by Ramit Sethi 

  • The Intelligent Investor by Benjamin Graham 

  • The Money Game by Adam Smith 

  • The Automatic Millionaire by David Bach 

  • The Opposite of Spoiled by Ron Lieber 

  • Money: Master the Game by Tony Robbins 

  • The Wealthy Barber by David Chilton 

  • The 4-Hour Workweek by Timothy Ferriss 

  • The 21 Day Financial Fast by Michelle Singletary 

  • The Simple Path to Wealth by J.L. Collins 

Sign up to here for a free trial! Browse their catalog of over 350,000 premium audiobooks. 

Courses I Swear By For An Abundance Mindset


I’m So Paid!

Light Launching Club

If you’re looking to practice better money mindset, completely transform your money beliefs and see what’s possible for your financial future, these courses are an absolute must! The masterclass alone is worth a watch if you’re looking to stay motivated and transform the way you earn online.

Our Pick
Rewired Sheinvention


Completely transform your experience with money!

Become magnetic, feel light and attract money in a world where abundance and overflow become your absolute minimum standard of living (because you deserve a remarkable life) 🌹 💸 Learn to feel supported by money & unlock the door to overflow!

Increasing Your Earning Potential 

Once you have a budget in place, you can focus on increasing your income. Consider ways that you can increase your earning potential, such as taking on a second job, starting a side business or investing in areas of interest. It’s important to have realistic expectations when it comes to earning more and be willing to put in the hard work to achieve success. 

Ways To Increase Your Income

  • Take on a second job 

  • Start a side business (we’d highly recommend affiliate marketing)

  • Focus on areas where you can control your financial well being

  • Adjust your budget and cut costs where need be

Boosting Your Savings 

In addition to increasing your income, it’s important to focus on boosting your savings. By setting aside a portion of your monthly income, you can build up a financial cushion that can be used for emergencies or long-term investments. Having that contingency gives you such a sense of pride and also freedom, knowing that you have a backup if need be.

It’s important to remember that saving money can be just as important as earning money, and it’s important to take the time to build up your savings. 

Building Up A Financial Cushion

  • Set aside a portion of your income 

  • Build up a financial cushion 

  • Save money

The Right Attitude: Let’s Form A Healthy Money Mindset

Finally, it’s important to remember that financial success is not just about money. It’s also about having the right attitude and mindset. When you have a positive outlook on life and money, you are more likely to make decisions that are in your best interests.

Focus on:

  • A positive outlook on life and money 

  • Understanding you’ve done the best you could with the tools you had up until now

  • Setting realistic goals

Develop Your Positive Money Mindset

To adopt a positive money mindset, you could shift your perspective on finances through financial affirmations. The way you talk to yourself plays a very big role in how you address your finances. Pay attention to what you say to yourself when you come into money (like from your salary, bonus, promotion, an unexpected windfall, etc.)

Developing A Money Mindset For Financial Success

Having a money mindset is an essential part of achieving financial stability. By having a positive attitude towards money, setting a budget, increasing your income and saving money, you can begin to build a strong financial foundation. Keep in mind that financial success is not just about having money, but also about having the right attitude, outlook and mindset. With the right money mindset, you can earn more and reach your financial goals.

This beautiful, eye-opening course allowed me to completely transform my money mindset and my experience with money. Previously, I had a scarcity mindset and made really poor money decisions, coupled with so many preexisting toxic money stories. I had to radically transform my negative money mindset to change my financial situation and learn from past money mistakes. I’d hold my hand on my heart and thoroughly recommend Rewired to anyone looking to improve their outlook and relationship with money. It’s energetically, very impressive!

Rewired Sheinvention

Disclosure: Some links provided in this blog are affiliate links for beautiful digital education products & services we’re proudly partnered with. On some occasions, I may be compensated with a commission if you use these links to make a purchase. It helps to support the ongoing publication of free, and readily accessible content for those looking to get started in the online business space. This site is not intended to provide financial advice and is for entertainment only.

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